Biblical Nations - Cilicians

Cilicians Key Scripture: Acts 21:39 Figures: Saul of Tarsus (later called the Apostle Paul) We come at last to the home of one of the New Testament's prominent figures. Like several other locations throughout Anatolia, the area known as Cilicia played a role in the growth of the early Christian church. Its capital city, Tarsus, is well known to readers of the Bible as the birthplace of Saul, and would later be the place where Barnabas would find him prior to their joint ministry together. The region had several similarities with other nearby provinces, but what has made it unique? The land at the farthest northeast point along the Mediterranean Sea was almost certainly originally populated by the descendants of Japheth after the Flood, and has probably been continually populated ever since. Geographically, the area is typically referred to as being split between Cilicia Trachea (rough) on the west and Cilicia Pedias (flat) on the east. The mount...