
Showing posts from October, 2024

Biblical Nations - Nabataeans

Nabataeans Key Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:32 Figures: Aretus This week we delve into a bit of Biblical mystery.  Over the past few posts we have looked at the neighbors of the Hebrew people who occupied the territory to the south and east of the Promised Land.  This time we'll look at a people group that expanded just beyond those areas, and eventually encroached upon their lands.  What makes this mysterious, however, is that while they play a few important roles in the Biblical narrative and are known well enough to history, they are never directly mentioned by name in the Scriptures.  The are the Nabataeans, and learning about them may actually answer one of the big questions in the New Testament. The Nabataean people are thought to be descendants of Ishmael, the oldest son of Abraham by his wife's servant, Haggar.  Ishmael's oldest son was named Nebajoth, but whether this people group was entirely descended from him or if the younger families simply adopted the name of

Biblical Nations - Moabites

Moabites Key Scripture: Genesis 19:36-37 Figures: Moab, Balak, Cozbi, Eglon, Ruth, Mesha This week we dive into the story of the third group of related neighbors to the children of Israel, the Moabites.  They share many similarities with the Ammonites, so much of the story you read today will sound familiar.  In fact, the nations of Moab and Ammon seem to always be referenced together whenever they come up in the Biblical narrative.  But there are several details that merit attention, which gives this nation an interesting place in the story of God's people and plan.  Let's dive in and see what we can discover.  Like the Ammonites, the descendants of Moab had a sordid and disturbing origin story as the eldest daughter of Lot was the first to become pregnant by her father.  As the oldest heir, it seems her son Moab was able to establish himself in the same region where he was conceived.  The city of Zoar was where Lot fled after being saved from the destruction of Sodom and Gomo