
Showing posts from September, 2024

Biblical Nations - Magog

Magog Key Scripture: Ezekiel 38:1-2 Figure: Gog This week we'll take a look at a pair of related names that pop up in three very distinct and separate parts of the Bible, but have become quite recognizable.  Even in popular culture that has little to do with any sort of sacred writings, the names of Gog and Magog have appeared.  The Biblical references to these two names indicate that Gog is a ruler from a land that is known as Magog, but that he also leads an army that includes neighboring areas.  Let's find out what we can know from Scripture and see what sorts of interpretations have been made. When the descendants of Japheth are listed in Genesis 10, seven sons are listed.  One of them is Magog, and although he is listed second we've already discussed in previous posts how the birth order is not always reflected by these sorts of genealogies.  The association with two of Japheth's other sons, however, is very important as Magog is discussed by the prophet Ezekiel al

Summer 2024 Reflection - Mrs. Geographist

To wrap up our look back at one of the most unique summers in our family's history, here are some thoughts from my lovely wife.  Summer time and more As I reflect on the past summer, I find myself thinking more about the decisions that I have had to make in the past year. It was around January when I had to start thinking about starting over with a different career or changing what I wanted to do with my life. Overall, I have been blessed to be given the choice on what I want to do so there was no pressure from home about where I should go. For those of you who don’t know, I was a teacher for two years. When my principal told me that I wouldn’t be renewed, I was devastated. I felt like my power was taken away from me and all of my hard work obtaining my degree had gone out the window. I’ve always had challenges with my self-esteem, and this did not help. I spent the next few months trying to figure out what to do with my life if teaching wasn’t an option anymore. My husband said th

Summer 2024 Reflection - Whirly

Happy Labor Day weekend everybody!  I know most of the school-aged folks have already resumed classes, but historically this point in the calendar has marked the official end of summer.  As the temperatures begin to cool and the sports calendar switches over to football season, we take the opportunity to check out the summer reflections for my youngest daughter, who has taken the nickname of Whirly on this blog.  Enjoy her memories, and happy Fall! My Summer Reflection First, I went to California for the first week of summer.  We went to Disney's California Adventure first and it was really fun.  Then the second day we went to Disneyland.  On the Star Wars ride I was the worst driver.  After a day off at the pool that was very hot we went to Universal Studios.  My favorite ride was the Jurassic Park water ride.  Finally we went to the San Diego Zoo where my feet really hurt from walking.  After that we went to a birthday dinner for my mom.  For eight weeks of summer I did Black Bel