Founding Fathers - William Williams

William Williams Born: April 8, 1731 (Lebanon, CT) Died: August 2, 1811 (Lebanon, CT) I'll be honest, I picked this week's focus because his repetitive name caught my attention. William Williams was born in 1731 to a popular Congregationalist minister and his wife, Solomon and Mary Williams, in the small town of Lebanon. Young William would ultimately call Lebanon his home for the rest of his life. Wanting to follow in his father's footsteps, he studied for the ministry but also earned a law degree from Harvard, the college where both his father and grandfather had graduated, in 1751 at the age of 20. William then returned home and began serving as the town clerk the following year, while also continuing his pastoral training under the instruction of his father. Within three years, however, his plans were sidetracked with the start of the French and Indian War and his enlistment with the British colonial forces. His uncle, Ephraim, served as a colonel...