Diary of a Homeschool Dad - Week 28
If you live in Texas or you follow the news, you'll realize this was a bizarre week (even by recent standards). My heart goes out to all of those affected by the crisis which was kicked off by the winter weather we've experienced. Sunday - Happy Valentine's Day! We really did our celebrating on Saturday, as today was supposed to be spent primarily at church. After our morning service and Bible study, however, our schedule was adjusted as all afternoon and evening events were canceled. We all went home and packed up, and once everyone had grabbed lunch we scooted down the road towards my parents' house. With my dad still in the hospital, I thought the freeze might present difficulties for my mom and she would do well to have some companionship and help for a few days. Little did we know we were actually saving ourselves from a significant headache. The older girls had school canceled for Monday and Tuesday, so we figured on staying for two nights...