Diary of a Homeschool Dad: Week 3
What a week this turned out to be! Laura decided to take a chunk out of our schedule, so we had to do some on-the-fly adjusting. Here's how week 3 played out in our house. Sunday - This marked the final service that is planned to be entirely online, as in-person church resumes next week. Which also means we've enjoyed our last sermon in shorts and bare feet! As everyone has gotten into a nice routine of getting up early, it is certainly much easier to be awake in advance of the early start time, and we all seem to be ready and willing to set those alarms even earlier soon to be in the sanctuary for real. Everyone's Zoom meetings went well and the older two girls (Mrs. Geo and Girly) even got some mall time in. Shopping is still a necessary event for the ladies of the house, you see. Monday - With our local school district actually beginning classes today, this was the first day that Mrs. Geographist got to teach her students. The load was suppos...